The GMB Arts in Education Spring Celebration

The GMB Arts in Education Spring Celebration

New Location for the 40th GMB Arts in Education
Spring Celebration in 2025: Peoria Riverfront Museum and Caterpillar Visitor's Center!

Arts in Education Spring Celebration logo

The Gerald M. Brookhart (GMB) Arts in Education Spring Celebration provides a non-competitive forum for students PreK-12th grade to showcase bands, choruses, choirs, performances, dance, jazz, and the visual arts in downtown Peoria, Illinois. It heightens the community's awareness that the arts are an important component of our young people's development.

Students from 136 schools in seven counties across Central Illinois (Peoria, Tazewell, Woodford, Fulton, Marshall, Henry, and McLean) participate each year by performing, exhibiting, and demonstrating their talents in the Fine Arts and Applied Arts. 

Counties across central illinois
Public and private schools

Each year over 12,000 area school children come to downtown Peoria to exhibit their artistic talents before audiences numbering in the thousands. It features over numerous performances including band, orchestra, choir, drama, dance, and speech. In addition to the performances, there are art exhibits and demonstrations that feature painting, drawing, collage, ceramics, metal works, fiber arts, weaving, photography, woodworking, drafting, horticulture, agriculture, home economics, food, and clothing.

The Spring Celebration is a harbinger of spring in Central Illinois. The Governor of Illinois, the Mayor of Peoria, and the Chairperson of the Peoria County Board proclaim the months of April and May: "GMB Arts in Education Spring Celebration Months." This unique project has become a testimonial to the shared commitment to the arts.


April 14-May 16, 2025:

Countdown Timer Expired


Highlights in 2025!

Because we will be at the Peoria Riverfront Museum and Caterpillar Visitor's Center for 2025, the GMB Spring Celebration will be held each day, rain or shine!   

Performances - When the weather is good, performances will be held outside in the Sun Plaza of the Peoria Riverfront Museum and in the Rear Plaza outside the Caterpillar Visitor's Center.  When the weather is bad, performances will be moved inside the Peoria Riverfront Museum and the Caterpillar's Visitor Center. 

Visual Art Gallery - All student Visual Art work will be displayed inside the main lobby of the Peoria Riverfront Museum, which is accessible from the Sun Plaza. Even if your school is not performing, we'd like to showcase your student's art!  Learn more in our letter inviting teachers and students to participate!

Restrooms are available inside both the museum and visitor's center.

April 14, 2025

JAM - Jazz Appreciation Month Celebration Kick-Off 
Junior High School Jazz Bands will perform inside the Peoria Riverfront Museum

April 15, 2025

CAT 100th Anniversary

April 30, 2025

Global Celebration of International Jazz Day!

May 16, 2025

Peace Plays in Peoria

Brought to You By

Thank you to all who generously support the GMB Arts in Education Spring Celebration!
We are always needing Day Sponsors.  If you or your organization is interested in being a Day Sponsor, please contact Dave Poehls at 

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Kidder Music
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peoria bar association
Caterpillar Visitor's Center